Sunday 11 September 2011

Stew can play at that game.

Mode: 2-4 Player
Hardware: Your deepest pan.
Accessories: Cola

'I think my imagination's broke. Let me try and come up with the best thing ever: Beef.... Stew. Yup, it's busted alright.' - Strong Bad

A leaf and some mud that I convinced you were real ingredients.

First, have like 2 hours to kill on a sunday evening. Start with a bayleaf and a beef stock cube, and boiled water.

Les pommes cubes.

Peel 2 big potatoes, and chop them into little cubes like so. As well as 2 big carrots into chunky half-discs.

Irish catholics consider raw stew to appear indecent.
Put in the beef strips I had in the freezer, potatoes and carrots. Had this on a high-ish heat to make sure the beef would cook through.

Spicy Italian with a perfect shake. Also indecent.
Put in this mixture of spices. Got a tiny bit of black onion (I'm just using it cause its new) some spicy italian style mix, and plenty of oregano and ground pepper.

Would you believe I played Cooking Mama 3 in the mean time?
Oh, also a wadge of garlic. Turned it down to medium and let it cook for an hour.

Ketchup is a viable alternative to ever buying tomatoes.
An hour later, everything was starting to feel more.. mushy. I added plenty of ketchup and some worcestershire sauce to make it sweeter and tomatoeyer.

Reader challenge: Can you see any religious icons if you squint?
I added some frozen peas, and let it cook on a low heat for 30 more mins.

Looks like vomit, tastes like good vomit.
Post-Mortem: ***** I'm on a roll with the good meals lately. The beef and potatoes were totally tender and the soup was meaty and rich. Stew is great.

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