Wednesday 5 October 2011

Grizzly Pie

Mode: 4 Player
Hardware: Pan, oven.
Accessories: stuff.

The classic mash-topped non-pastry meat pie is usually named after the kind of farmer or hunter that would be most inclined to eat or provide meat of that animal. Lamb mince is shepherd's pie, seafood is fisherman's pie, etc. So who or what is most likely to be the patron for a pie that's entirely salmon? I can think of none better than the north american grizzly bear. Hence, Grizzly pie.

So what's the dealy yo? I was going to make a mixed fish pie because I had a bunch of potatoes and a small fillet of salmon leftover, but instead of finding any other kinds of fish at my local, the options were only more salmon. So I was like FINE.

 Try to get in with the boiling your potatoes as early as possible, because for some reason some days it takes for-goddamn-ever. Really, I should have totally diced the potatoes. But I did not think of that.

UGHH me vegetables have frozen through! I swear some ass is going around turning the fridge temp up all the time. Like how all my stupid flatmates wash their clothes on 60 degrees, I have this predition that its just because they don't know shit and are picking a random number that seems 'medium' enough instead of realising that you can wash everything at 30 degrees like all the billions and millions of TV adverts and global warming PSA's have been saying for the past 10 years now if you'd only paid attention instead of switching your brain off whenever you see something that seems like 'mum stuff'.

So I chopped the salmon and all the leftover vegetables I had from the vegetarian sushi evening. Man, these look really good right now. Shame I have to cook the shit out of them.

I added finely chopped parsley, lemon juice, garlic, pepper and a bit of sugar. Usually fish pies have a white or cheese sauce, but try making a white sauce for a dairy allergic person. Not that easy. I decided to go the tomato route instead. It's legit, don't worry.

And finally, some tomato puree, and mixed it all up. The potatoes were taking aaaaaaaaaages to cook, and so I got bored of attacking them with a knife and decided to pre-cook the meat mixture, just in case that helps in some way.

FINALLY, geez. Actually, even now its still not properly soft enough but it's like 8pm and we have to eat SOMETIME THIS EVENING.

Also remembered to add some frozen peas and carrots that I was gonna add but forgot.

Put the mash on top, and in the oven for 25 more mins.

Post-Mortem: **** Nice! Potatoes a little too 'al dente', and you couldn't really taste the tomato, but pretty good just with a salmony vegetabley potatoey flavour. And you can always add the ketchup.

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