Saturday 7 October 2023

Stardew Valley #13: Pizza

Ingredients: Wheat Flour, Tomato, Cheese

Item Description: It's popular for all the right reasons.

A pizza day! Since I have already made Pizza from scratch before and I'll take any excuse not to make my own dough, I was delighted when I saw my grocery store had some pizza bases! I highly recommend this type of recipe for someone whos nervous about learning to cook, as its really just a matter of throwing things together but you get all the satisfaction of a home cooked meal!

For the tomato paste you can mix your own passata based pizza sauce, OR you can do what I remember learning in school, and smother the base with tomato concentrate using the back of a spoon. but thats a little... school pizza-y on its own, so ive also got a jar of minced sun-dried tomato paste, which will make the sauce sweeter and oilier. Also im addling a little sprinkle of garlic powder and oregano as well. Pizza flavours.

Next we gotta drain and chop a ball of mozzarella, grate the cheddar cheese, and any other toppings.

I've gone for a sprinkle of cheddar and sliced mozzarella. To me this is a classic british way to do pizza cheese. Cheddar adds a tangy flavour, and the mozzarella melts into that classic stringy creamy cheese.

Based on the graphic for this recipe, I felt like green peppers and pepperoni would be a good choice, plus thats very typical british/american topping. The pepperoni seemed a bit big so i ended up slicing it into quarters.

Now its ready to go in the oven! Also yes it is lucky that I happen to have a perfect sized pizza oven tray. I swear I don't have like 300 different types of oven trays. Ok i do have like 6 though. Also don't spend too long trying to get a good photo when your oven is on and open. Im experienced and fast(lazy)


Wahoo pizza! Honestly? Without a homemade crust, this does taste a little more like a pizza you'd buy from a grocery store or bakery. But I do that all the time. "It's popular for all the right reasons."

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