Monday 13 June 2011

Pie of the Future

Mode: 1-2 player
Hardware: Pan, Oven.
Accessories: Ribena

Circles are pies of yesterday. Tomorrow, pies are square. Square like this oven-safe dish I have. Square like the crisps that are called squares. Square like Tobi.

Time to start by making a huge mess, as I make a non-dairy pie crust. Here are the ingredients:

2/3 cup of non-dairy vegetable spread
2 cups flour
1/2 teaspoon of salt
1 teaspoon vinegar

Mix these together, adding the vinegar last, and then add water in small amnounts as needed until it becomes, yknow.. doughy.

I put that dough in the fridge to set for a few hours, JOKE, more like 10 minutes while I made the pie-filling. Here I have chicken and spring onion.

I'm going to make some kind of gravy/broth/sauce, using chicken stock, rosemary, oregano. I don't really have much going on in the cupboards at the moment. Oh also, now is a good time to HEAT the oven.

As you can see I'm making do by filling out the pie with some frozen vegetable mix. Also the stock/herbs have gone in there too. Look at all that vapour coming off the frozen vegetables. I like to pretend that they are exorcized evil spirits that are utilised in the preparation of these obnoxiously flavourless carrotstick things.

But also ALSO I have some bacon that I made earlier. I destroy it with my bare hands and add it.

This is the best dough-rolling that I have achieved in ever, possibly. It actually stayed together and shit. Fancy that. In the oven it goes for 30-40 minutes.

Post-Mortem: This is less of a chicken and bacon pie and more of a rosemary and other stuff pie. It's still nice, though. Particularly with ketchup. You might assume this indicates some kind of flavour failing on my part, but I really just like ketchup on stuff. Is square truly better than round? Inconclusive. ***

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