Tuesday 19 April 2022

Cooking Mama's Cooking Challenge #10: Pork Curry and Rice

This should be a nice straightforward one. The recipe just has you using the Japanese style instant roux which I've done before. It doesn't mention making the rice but we already know how thanks to RECIPE #1


I used 2x fairly big potatoes and carrots cause that seemed like a good amount. No I did not arrange them to look like a weenus on purpose. hehe though. 

Slice up!

Chopped these up into big ol' chunks. Also cut 2 (smallish) brown onions to the same size.


I bought one of those weird long PORK FILLETS because I thought that might be a nice cut to use. Have some leaner meat chunks rather than chewy fatty bits. And it's weirdly cheap.


In the gameplay these always seemed to take about the same amount of time to cook so i've just tossed them in together. Took ages to brown a bit but eh no worries. They'll have more time to cook fully in the stewing part.

Measure and add!

The curry roux I am using has instructions on how much water to use, so we are doing just that!


Stewing it in the water and adding the curry roux halfway through. Stir it a lot to make sure it's all dissolved and just let it do its thing really. Just left it on low heat for like 40 mins.


This recipe is SO straightforward and so satisfying. The pork tasted great and you're making like 4-6 meals worth at a time. I highly recommend adding this to your repertoire if you need more simple, cheap recipes to feed a family or meal prep. (And if you're vegan you can easily skip the meat or add mushrooms)

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