Saturday 21 May 2022

Cooking Mama's Cooking Challenge #17: Rice Cakes

OK so this doesn't specify in the localisation, but i'm pretty sure this is supposed to be mochi. However, i have neither the equipment nor the correct type of rice (glutenous mochi rice) to actually make proper mochi. And frankly i dont have the power of arsed to go and get some just to do some recipe once that ill probably never want to do again. I googled if you can make mochi with sushi rice and the internet simply said "DON'T"

Anyway today we are making mochi with sushi rice. 

Measure and add!

reused stock image of me measuring and adding

Wash some rice!

non stock image of me making today's rice

Set the timer!

I actually did set the timer for 45 mins this time. We probably want the rice to be nice and soft.

Pound the rice!

Okay so. mmh. okay. so this isn't going well. I've been pounding the rice with a rolling pin until im tired and ive managed to turn it into some glue. There's glue on the pin. Glue all over my hands. Just glue. I'm hungry and all I have is glue.


i've bust out the bag of corn flour and slapped it around a bit more into a cake-ish shape... and voila! This is actually starting to resemble... food I guess?? All that for a brick of plain-rice flavour rice.

But wait...

What if I... combined it with another quick recipe (boiled eggs - which will go up later) and added some flavouring? I poured over a mix of soy sauce, salt and sugar, and sprinkled some shichimi togarashi (japanese seasoning mix).
EFFORT REDEEMED. And you know what? though its still obviously lumpy, some of that chewy mochi texture is coming through making it feel like i actually sorta did something besides ruin a bowl of rice.

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