Sunday 18 February 2024

Stardew Valley #39: Ice Cream

Ingredients: Milk, Sugar

Item Description: It's hard to find someone who doesn't like this.

Got some serious ambitions for this one. I have an ice cream maker, you see. And they want 3 different scoops, I want to try and make 3 different scoops.

Let's start with the most... normal one? Ive got some leftover strawberry essence, raspberry syrup, and then some double cream and sugar. 

In it all goes, the syrup will be slightly sweet already but i think this one will still need extra sugar.

It's also only gently pink, so ive got a little extra food colouring to top that up.

I thought it might need some extra heating to dissolve the sugar or something, but I dunno if that was really necessary. Well its done now.

Once its cooled it goes in the ice cream maker to churn. Gotta be quick!

That actually looks like its churned and cooled quite well. Now to pop it in the freezer and hope it doesnt go rock hard.

Next one! the ice cream maker needs cleaning, drying and re-freezing between rounds so im just doing one of these a day. This ideas a funky one, i thought itd be fun to make an avocado and lime flavour.

Im just shoving it all together in a blender, hey look the avocado has made a big air pocket! Not for long. The avocado will make up for some of the creamyness I guess, so we should need less cream..?

Another secret weapon! To enhance the green-ness im adding a touch of spirulina powder! Earthy! Im also going to try not cooking this one, surely the blender has mixed the sugar in enough?

This ones gone really well! it looks good to go already.. and tasting a little bit... it tastes so good! Hope it freezes ok.

And the last ones a white ice cream. But im too weird for vanilla, you can get that anywhere... i want to try making yogurt and honey ice cream.

At least this ones straightforward! Yogurt. honey. mix it up.

Well this ones not looking churned like the others. But it's not cream. Frogurt is still a thing so surely... itll just... work out...?

Alright moment of truth! Or rather, we'll make this work some way or another. The cream ones are a little stiff, and the yogurt one looks positively unscoopable. I'll leave them out for a few minutes and then we'll just hack our way through.


It was extremely annoying to get these 3 dry bitch scoops to stay stacked on a cheapass kiddy cone and balance them with 1 hand while unlocking my phone and taking a photo with the other. I'm annoyed, but at least I have ice cream. I wish I had a better sense of like, what temp to keep my freezer at, how to balance proportions with new flavours, good scoop technique, etc etc. I'd rather just buy ice cream if im gonna have to fit it in a cone instead of just eat it out of a tub same day. But damn look at it... now that its all done, it looks kinda good right?

Flavour wise its good! The pink and green are so creamy and fruity, and the white is quite sour, which complements the fruits very nicely. I think my favourite is the avocado lime. It's buttery, refreshing and adventurous. 
Next time... i should make this in summer and not the middle of winter. ._.

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