Tuesday 8 March 2011

Würst case scenario

Mode: 1-2 Player
Hardware: Oven and Pans
Accessories: Copious amounts of ketchup

So after that carbonara the other day, I had the other half of those really cheap sausages to use before they go off. So I thought.. how many (dairy free, flatmate is back) things can you do with cheap and nasty sausage meats anyway? Well, maybe sausage rolls?

To make a dairy free shortcrust pastry, you basically want to mix 2 parts flour to 1 part butter-like vegetable based spread (eg: margerine, soy spread) add a pinch of salt and mix together. And then just drizzle as little water as possible to knead it into a doughey mixture with a doughey texture.

You are supposed to ball it up and leave it for a while to 'settle' I don't know why. But look, I made a chicken! Meanwhile I turn the oven on to HEAT because 'pre-heating' is a linguistic redundancy. Personally I have found that 200°C is prettymuch the universal temperature for cooking everything ever.

Ok, I have a confession to make. I can't roll pastry. I don't understand pastry. WHY IS THIS SO HARD? And I'm hungry so I give up. This is good enough for me. Bad day.

Anyway while the oven was heating and the dough was 'settling' I got some onions and carrots, and I chopped those bitches up so small Dexter Morgan's gonna be after me. Then I fried them up 'till they were fried.

Post-Mortem: ** ZERO POINTS FOR PRESENTATION. But other than that, well, it was a sausage roll, what do you expect? At the best of times they are an acceptable stomach filler when bathed in enough condiments. The fried vegetables worked well with it though. Onions and Sausages are BFF like Paris Hilton and whatever other up-and-coming starlet she's latched onto for the next 3 months.

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