Monday 23 May 2011

Time to bust some chops.

Mode: 2-player
Hardware: Oven
Accessories: Cola

Survived the end of the world? Good. Me too. The big G told me he'd leave some special bitches behind or else the rest of you would forget how to cook and make videogames and shit. I said no prob I'd catch him up.

Here's a country I've probably never cooked anything relating to yet: Australia. Mostly 'cause they just have bizarro versions of British food, like 'vegemite' and 'weet-bix'. So today I'm going to use this 'bush tucker' spice mix on some pork chops. I mixed it with some olive oil, sage and black pepper and a tiny drizzle of soy sauce.

Applied liberally to pork chops.

Also to some potato 'discs' I found in the freezer. Potato discs sounds like the kind of thing Australians would invent to rebel against our pommie pommes frites.
Put them both in the oven for about 25 mins.

And finally, my signature salad, the 'whatever vegetables I have in the fridge' salad. Mostly spinach, but with some cucumber, carrot and spring onion in there too.

And there it is. Also had no salad dressing except salad cream, but that's ok because it goes kinda really well with that salad it turns out.

Post-Mortem: **** Good stuff. A little gritty on the potatoes, but they were a bit rubbish anyway. I am pretty generous with my ratings, I have noticed. I don't really think I'm all that, I just have kinda low standards to what I might eat. I once drank an entire coffee made with noticeably expired milk because I was too stubborn to tip it down the sink. Also one time I ate an A6 piece of card for comedy purposes. Those things would get only 1 star.

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