Saturday 28 May 2011

The Unholy Alliance of Pork and Fish

Mode: 2-3 player
Hardware: Pans
Accessories: Jus de je ne sais quoi

Pasta for dinner.

I defrosted a pack of bacon, and and then chopped it up along with 2 onions and a carrot. Put it on to fry.

But that's not all. Pictured: VITAMINS! Mackerel in some kinda spicy.. sauce.. That is going in there. In another pan, I'm putting in some FUSILI TRICOLORE. That's Italian for 'Holy shit its got three colours, mother would never forgive me if she knew of my hedonistic ways!'

Next added garden peas and pre-made tomato and chilli sauce. I can't remember the last time I bought fresh tomatoes, to be honest...

But, as a token effort that is the culinary equivalent of sewing a patch on a primark shirt and selling it on etsy as an original design, I'm adding some torn up fresh basil and spinach leaves to the sauce.

And that, as the English say, is that.

Post-Mortem: **** This pasta prettymuch has everything. Vitamins, bacon, Omega 3, bacon, essential minerals, bacon, fiber, bacon, antioxidants, bacon...

1 comment:

  1. Needs more bacon...
    Hope you've been watching Two Greedy Italians on i-player
