Thursday 18 April 2024

Stardew Valley #52: Seafoam Pudding

Ingredients: Flounder, Midnight Carp, Squid Ink

Item Description: This briny pudding will really get you into the maritime mindset!

Right lets get into that maritime mindset! For the flounder we have a real flatfish, technically its a sole but eh flats flat, for midnight carp i just have some leftover tuna, for the squid ink i have cuttlefish ink. Then we got some veggies and spices, and a weird idea for the seafoam, you'll see.

Alright i guess we can just shove these in a a pot and start making a soup.

Got some veggies to fill it out. Just felt like some broccoli and cauliflower, dunno really.

Some seasonings to get in the maritime mindset! I didn't really know what to do with all this, so thought id try a cube of vegetable stock for the soup base, celery salt, cumin seed, and dried parsley. I guess i expect this will taste kinda light and herb-y. The cumin will add something distinctive without turning it too curry-flavoured.

And of course, the ink and some hot water, and stew it until everything looks tender and and it doesnt taste like water I guessss.

Once thats about ready to serve, time for my weird idea! Supposedly if you whisk a bunch of chickpea water, you can make it foam up like a meringue or a mousse? Never tried this before... and nothing said whether i need to add like, flour or anything? Heat it? chill it? no idea man.

To get that wacky green colour from the sprite im also adding a bit of spirulina powder which I acquired next recipe. More on that... next recipe.

Well its not exactly a meringue, like at all, but its frothed up enough that I feel comfortable in calling that "foam". And it wont taste disgusting on a soup, you gotta think about that.


Yeah it tastes alright. The flavour is mild and inoffensive. Glad i added the cumin but I wish I had a stronger concept overall. The tuna adds a pleasant meatiness to it. The seafoam and squid ink add absolutely nothing other than making it look like its gonna taste weirder than it does. It's probably very healthy? I don't know what i would have done differently to capture this recipe so im content with it, but we don't really have anything special here, it really is just a plain vegetable soup with fish chunks.

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