Saturday 20 April 2024

Stardew Valley #53: Algae Soup

Ingredients: Green Algae

Item Description: It's a little slimy.

Green algae! Thats a bit of a whimsical ingredient, but ive gone on a quest to find the closest ingredients I can that I could reasonably put into a soup. We've got powdered spirulina, which ACTUALLY IS AN ALGAE! but its not really known for being a good standalone soup base, so ive also got some other flavours that I hope will pad out, while still feeling like a slimy algae soup. I got some dried konbu (japanese seaweed), a handful of chopped spinach, a can of green lentils and some cornish dried seaweed to garnish. Pondwater-tastic!

First ill blend the spinach with the lentils, just a bit at a time with a splash of added water, I really want this to blend as much as possible and not have any large chunks.

This is looking like an algae soup already! Once ive done the whole can and all of the spinach it goes in the big soup pot.

Now we can throw that in the hob with the konbu, thats mainly there to add extra flavour kinda like a massive bayleaf.

Next we add the spirulina powder, im adding 2 teaspoons because while this is meant to be the main ingredient, wow its strong stuff! Its gonna dye my stomach green.

That's changed the colour a lot, after its had some time to get warm and simmer and stuff, we can bowl it up and sprinkle on some of the dried seaweed to garnish! And a pinch of salt if it even needs any.


This is surprisingly nice for what it is. The lentils and spinach give it an earthy/hearty flavour and its not very bitter. It does taste a little bit like a damp towel though. And the soup has a nice filling thickness, but it texturewise its a little... uh.. powdery? starchy? I'm pleased with my interpretation of the dish, but you and I both know its not really a dream dinner.

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