Ingredients: Melon, Wheat Flour, Sugar, Egg
Item Description: There's little heart candies on top.Hello! It's been a while hasn't it. Not dead. I had tooth surgery, then a long christmas holiday, then laryngitis. Anyway while I'm still with family I thought it could be fun to do PINK CAKE before I leave them, so they can help eat it. This seems to be a common idea to have, but I thought in contrast to the chocolate cake I should try and do an angel food cake for this one. It just seems right..?
I also noted that unusual factor - a melon in the ingredients. Originally I was gonna try and sort of reduce a blended melon but then my sister pointed out she had some melon flavoured milk tea powder. Let's do it!
One caveat though... this will turn the pink cake.... green. Hmm. Will probably look cool though, if a little inaccurate. So far its got flour, melon powder and a shit load of icing sugar.
Then we get a shit load of egg whites as well, which my mum is kindly separating. I am also making this under my mum's superior baking expertise, so itll probably be Good, Actually.
Whisk the egg whites, cream of tartare, vanilla essence and a bit more sugar until we've made a sort of inadequate meringue.
Then we fold in the rest, and we have to mix it but we have to not like, mix it too hard because gluten??? what
Now it can go in my familys bundt cake pan (yes they have everything) and a any excess batter can go into an ovenproof mug as a little spare :)
Next we can whip up some simple pink icing. Feels right to just do a icing sugar and water glaze, and try to get it thick enough to override the green cake colour. Also my sister had some sakura milk tea powder as well, and i thought that would both pair really well, and also score us more pink points.
Its ready! Another tip from mum, let it cool upside down in the pan, and hopefully it will shrink its way loose a bit.
And it's out! I actually didnt break it, but it did somehow have a massive air pocket in one corner so ive tried to frankenstein a bit back in with that excess cake from the mug. It'll be fine probably.
Hmm, I didn't really make as much icing as I should have. I could have made more, but I already had to make dinner that evening so I decided this was fine (and its gonna be sweet enough already) so sorry there is a green bit in the middle i dont care. Looks kinda cool tho.
I didn't forget the heart candies! I bought some heart gummi sweets.
My family all agreed this came out great. The melon and sakura flavours are a delicious novelty and work really well in a sweet vanilla eggy sponge. It tastes just how you'd expect a super cute delicacy to taste.