Basilisk? No way, that's a cockatrice! They're totally different colours!
The universe made that decision for me because I missed my chance to get the pork on alpen week at my local store. Turkey it is!
So, I lack the equipment, expertise and desire to actually properly try and salt cure some meat. Instead what i'm going to do is essentially more like a marinade, im just going to kinda pickle the meat in very salty water for a day instead. I've also added a few things for flavour: spiced coconut vinegar, dried chillies, fennel seeds and a bay leaf. Not sure how effective that is but it feels right. We can swish it around a bit.

Alright its now the evening, we've got our... waterlogged cockatrice, dryad bud and depetrification herb.
Senshi says we boil the meat... Not my typical method for poultry but I guess maybe itll leech some of the salt back out... As you can see its already turned kind of white from the vinegar or something, but don't be deceived we need to heat this through.
Now to really make the germans cry... sorry but im a big hater of fermented vegetables, and so is my stomach...its very vocal about it.. so instead of getting sauerkraut im just gonna be mixing some raw grated cabbage with vinegar and hoping for the best.
And making a big mess again...
Oops this came out less like shredded cabbage and more like cabbage flour. Well, maybe the more broken down the better?
I thought itd be nice to flavour this up some, so im adding cider vinegar, salt, pepper, sugar, and german mustard. And mixing it all up.
And its going into a jar... well a jug. A jur.
Meat check, sliced it into smaller bits and it looks cooked through. It looks unseasoned but it actually smells quite aromatic.
The herbs are done, ready to plate up! I should probably pair this something not fizzy or sour to drink.. Um.. coffee??
Tasty! It's very cooling and sour (and didn't taste like seawater!), like a light lunch you could put in a sandwich or salad. Despite being as wet as humanly possible, the cockatrice seemed sort of dry in a way...? I guess from a lack of fat. Feels like a needlessly inefficient use of extra salt and its hardly authentic. But I like the flavours, I'd probably do similar combo with the mustardy cabbage again someday, maybe in a sandwich.
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