Thursday 19 May 2011

Keep Calm and Curry Udon

I'M SORRY, I SWORE I'D NEVER MAKE ONE OF THOSE PUNS WITH THAT LOUSY PATRIOTIC SLOGAN/EXCESSIVE MERCHANDISE OPPERTUNITY. And yet, I thought of it, typed it out, re-read this, and published it without fail.

Mode: 2-player
Hardware: Steamer, Pan.
Accessories: Iced tea would be ace but I don't have any because why would I, tea belongs in a mug.

This has been bugging me for a while, does it bother anyone else that Sainsbury's has a rice section, a huge pasta section, but no noodle section? You have to go searching in either 'cooking sauces' or 'fancy imports' section. Don't people eat noodles anymore?

Anyway here are the raw materials; some discount pork, potatoes, carrots, spring onion, leftover mangetout, and obviously, udon noodles. I peeled and chopped everything except noodles and peas and stuck it in the steamer for 30 mins.

Now the challenge is for me to produce some kind of curry-flavoured broth to cook the noodles in. (PS, like a lot of my entries, I have never made this dish before.) I started with a vegetable stock cube, and a teaspoon of mild curry powder, and added a bit of garlic, black pepper, cumin and coriander, soy sauce, and cardamom pods which I took out after mixed all the spices with boiling water for a bit.

Now, I had a bit of a technical failure when I realised that there was a lot of this stuff, and so I needed a bigger pan, and I doubled up the stock and added bit of tomato concentrate. And now my noodles don't seem to be cooking, they want to stick to the bottom instead of absorb water. I am feeling PESSIMISTIC about this experiment.

I don't know what it is about me and an inability to get noodles to cook. Five minutes my ass, I give that shit HALF AN HOUR and it's still pretty al dente!

Post-Mortem: *** Actually came out better than I expected! And yeah, I know I have the presentation standards of a 3 year old. But this is not a restaurant, and I am not a mature person. The sauce itself had a pretty thick, curry-like consistency, and a good spicyness and general curry flavour, but perhaps a little too 'general', like maybe I needed some nice herbs or something.

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