Tuesday 17 May 2011


Mode: 2-player

Hardware: Pan

Accessories: Cola

Back from badminton, today we make FAJITAS. Did you know that fajita is 20% more hilarious if you pronounce it like 'fadge-eye-ta'? Because it sounds like vagina. Man I'm so good at teaching you guys about culture and stuff.

Lube up your FINEST WOK. No second best-sies unless the best ones pending a wash or you lent it to someone and it MYSTERIOUSLY DISSAPEARED in which case it's a write-off, don't kid yourself. Loosely chop up chicken fillets, onion, red pepper and the obligatory spare vegetable you have around, mine's mangetout peas.

Here's my lineup of spices, notice how I'm sorta god-modeing it a little with a 'fajita' mix there, I don't know whats in that. Probably just more cajun. Go heavy on the oregano and cajun, and easy on the nutmeg and black pepper. If you have any chilli sauce, that's also a good plan, though don't worry about the dryness, that's what relishes are for.

While that stuff cooks, chop up some lettuce, cucumber and cheese, and assemble a force of relishes from your cupboard. If you REALLY don't have any, ketchup is always a last resort.

I like to heat the flour tortillas on the stove very quickly and gently, so that they go warm but not crispy or else they'll be terrible to wrap. Then the meat mix goes on, then the vegetable garnishes, then some splodges of sauce there. I have branston's 'hot chilli and jalapeno', and 'tomato, curryspice and peri-peri' Someone should really cut me an advertising deal.

Post-Mortem: ***** As that weird elvis advisor guy in Civilisation II once said. 'No complaints, noble leader.' Also dear Nando's adverts, take note: I just did a whole dissertation on mexican food WITHOUT ANY RACISM.

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