Mode: 2 Player
Hardware: Oven
Accessories: Water
I got given some moroccan style couscous mix for my birthday. TRUE STORY. Let's make something cool with it becouscouscouscouscouscous I can.
1:1 ratio of vegetables to meat. That's the westerners way. |
I put the couscous in a pan with boiled water to cook. It won't take long at all so I better hurry up and prepare everything else!
Pink plastic bowl is trippy. |
Mixed and egg, lemon juice and some parsley chopped as finely as I could.
Yeah my kitchens that messy today. |
This is the best way to make breadcrumbs. Get a really stale old piece of bread that somehow isn't mouldy (possibly ask a wizard) and grate it with a cheese grater. I butterfly the chicken fillets and coat them in the egg/lemon/parsley mix and then cover them in breadcrumbs. It's kinda like as a kid when you'd put pritt stick across a piece of paper and then bathe it in glitter and then you'd just have this hideous sparkly mess on a piece of paper that you thought was neato.
Your cous is cooked! Nyahaaaar |
By this time the couscous mix is ready, so I cut the pepper in half, remove the seedy bit and cram them full of cous. Then I bung both the chicken and the stuffed peppers in the oven for 25mins
Dear family: Still not too old for ketchup on everything. |
Post-Mortem: ***** This was great! People should really stuff vegetables more, it looks really classy and it's incredibly easy. Literally all you do is take a food and put it in another food and suddenly you feel like Gordon Ramsay but less face surgery.
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