Sunday, 18 March 2012

St Patricks Day Cupcakes

Yes Yes, Irish stereotypes, the colour green! GIMMICKS.

Bite me, Internet! I made cupcakes. Did you?

What's the greenest flavor? Peppermint? Apple? Lime? How about GREEN TEA? Clue is in the name, bitches. How do you aquire this flavour? Psh, how do you think. Take a handful of teabags and brew the strongest green tea you can.

The glace is always greener.
I made a basic cake mix as usual, then tipped the concentrated green tea in, added green food dye, and because those are liquidy things, dont forget to make up the consistancy a bit with some extra flour if you need to.

Could it be? ..PUREST GREEN!?
I even had green cupcake cases! Looks like I've come prepared.

Shamrocks for my real friends, real rocks for my sham friends.
Then I made some green icing (with more green tea and green dye) and decorated it with pistacios and glace angelica which is sortof vaguely in the form of a shamrock! ...kinda.

Curry Pizza.. No really.

Mode: 2-4 Player
Hardware: Pans, Oven.
Accessories: Water.

Sometimes you just have to try something.

I always like to be all 'It's alive!' when I add yeast.

The main thing I wanted to do with this experiment is have a go at making a pizza bread with indian style spices.

Gritty. Those afflicted with pica look away please.
I used my new blendermajig's grind feature to grind up some onion seed, cardamom and garlic to put in the bread dough.

Stuff was cooked.
I think I got some dairy free rogan josh or something of that nature, to cook with chicken and is that onion and cucumber I guess? I don't REMEMBER THIS AT ALL. This is what I get for not keeping up with this blog. What are we even doing here? Jesus, Valkyrie.

I lack the facilities to make it round. ROUND IS OVERRATED.
Here's the pizza base in the oven. Can I just say that if you've never done this, you should definately try making your own pizza dough. Home made bread is THE SHIT I don't know why it's always so good. But it always is. You could just eat that on its own.

It's cool only the whole internet can see.
Man, this curry looks kinda dry. I don't know. Guess I needed more sauce. I'd have done something creamier, but... it had to be dairy free, so yeah.

Probably more to Splinter's tastes than the ninja turtles.
Post-Mortem: ** The bread was awesome, the curry was sortof dry and oniony, I actually ended up adding some ketchup to it to make it a little saucier. Curry goes great with bread, naturally. Also, this is really more of a knife and fork endeavour in spite of me calling it a 'pizza'.

Saturday, 10 March 2012

Chinese, Milanese, you eat frozen peas.

Mode: 2 Player
Hardware: Pans, Oven/grill
Accessories: Fizzy ribena

Paulie wants me to update so OK but this one might make the spanish people sad, so blame Paulie because I could have just been slacking off and playing games but instead I blogged this. Milanese chicken spaghetti.

Proper Milanese style chicken is a good quality home made breadcrumbed chicken fillets. What I am about to use is like breadcrumbed processed meat I bought at the corner store on the way home.

When you're paying for the ingredients, you fill up on salad.
At least the vegetables are fresh. I gots me some pepper, spring onion and green beans all loosely chopped. Meanwhile I jammed the breaded chicken in the oven/grill to cook while I make the pasta.

Sorry I can't remember what it was. Tasted like spanish food.
I fried/boiled/whatever them in a pan with some kinda spanish tomato and pepper sauce that I bought at some point. I boiled some spaghetti in another pan offscreen.

When the spaghetti was fully cooked, I ran out of pan space so I combined them into a bigger pan to mix them together. Then I served that up with the chickeny bits on top for ARTISTIC REASONS.

Howard Hodgkin!
Post-Modern Expressionism: *** The spaghetti was pretty tasty. The chicken doesn't really go super well with it, though. Also, it feels like im eating a remix of every kinda food I associate with childhood, which is kinda weird.