Sunday 18 March 2012

St Patricks Day Cupcakes

Yes Yes, Irish stereotypes, the colour green! GIMMICKS.

Bite me, Internet! I made cupcakes. Did you?

What's the greenest flavor? Peppermint? Apple? Lime? How about GREEN TEA? Clue is in the name, bitches. How do you aquire this flavour? Psh, how do you think. Take a handful of teabags and brew the strongest green tea you can.

The glace is always greener.
I made a basic cake mix as usual, then tipped the concentrated green tea in, added green food dye, and because those are liquidy things, dont forget to make up the consistancy a bit with some extra flour if you need to.

Could it be? ..PUREST GREEN!?
I even had green cupcake cases! Looks like I've come prepared.

Shamrocks for my real friends, real rocks for my sham friends.
Then I made some green icing (with more green tea and green dye) and decorated it with pistacios and glace angelica which is sortof vaguely in the form of a shamrock! ...kinda.

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