Sunday 7 January 2024

Stardew Valley #28: Rhubarb Pie

Ingredients: Rhubarb, Wheat Flour, Sugar

Item Description: Mmm, tangy and sweet!

I was gonna wait ages for rhubarb to be in season, but then I saw this! Tinned rhubarb! Convenience can't escape me!

Store bought rolled pastry again, I've carefully tried to cut the base into the tin, hopefully we'll have enough leftover to make a lid, I'll gather it together and hand-roll that I suppose.

I looked at a couple recipes and they often recommend adding flour or starch to mitigate the extreme wetness of the rhubarb. I liked this idea of lining the base with a layer of it.

...And then i'm also gonna add a bit of dark brown sugar. The tinned rhubarb should be somewhat sweetened already, but maybe not enough for a pie filling..?

Now to actually reveal what we're working with here... Probably should have done this earlier... oh thats quite wet and quite... not red.

I've drained the bulk of the syrup-water but its still very saturated. Guess we'll see how our thickening measures work out. Also added a little bit of butter on top. Butter and vegetables are a match made in heaven. I won't do anything about the fact that it's grey, its a bit late to mix in food colouring and its natural, its fine.

Luckily the sprite appears to have a little butthole so I will copy that, it will allow lots of steam to escape and help even more unwettening.

Now lets do a cool egg wash on the lid to make it all crispy

Oh thats so moist. The egg wont stay moist tho. Now its ready to go in the oven for like an HOUR.

Looks alright yeah. Egg wash has done wonders.

Not too liquidy! Might not win any prizes for fresh rhubarb colour though.


Oops this is really good! What the heck? I'm pretty meh on rhubarb, pretty meh on pies, but I'm just really feeling this. The rhubarb is distinctive but mellow and soft. The brown sugar really adds somethn', feels like kind of a cheat for making all pies good. The egg wash also makes the shortcrust pastry extra crisp. Does it have a soggy bottom? I dunno maybe, too late I ate it.

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