Tuesday 26 April 2011

Duck Flavoured Chicken Risotto

Mode: 1-2 player
Hardware: Pans
Accessories: Summer fruits squash

Back from my holiday. Ok this post is actually a day late, so I have to use my brain-memory again HRRRRRRRGHHH.

I had some 'paella rice' in my cupboard, which as far as my limited rice expertise can suppose is sufficiently similar to risotto rice. The grains are sorta short and fat and take in a lot of water. Paella rice is kindof a gyp because I expect it to come with some of that saffron stuff that makes it yellow, but it DOESN'T. Also is 'gyp' kinda racist? I'm pretty sure they use it in the simpsons. Anyway I also put in some non-dairy butter substitute, and began heating the rice.

Before I went on holiday, I made and froze some DUCK STOCK which became this awesome jelly. I guess I am easily amused. GELATINOUS CUBE ENTERS COMBAT. ROLL 1D20 TO ATTACK WITH WOODEN SPOON. Etc.

I cooked the rice with the stock and topped up the water incrementally, while I chopped up onions, green pepper and some chicken and added it to the mix.

Then I added corn and oregano seasoning, and I split the risotto into two pans. This is so that I can add some italian cheese to mine, and not to my dairy-free fairy queen's.

Post-Mortem: Risotto is the comfort food of kings. It's the macdonalds of people who don't want to die young. You'd have to really ruin it pretty badly to make it not-delicious. That said though, mine was a little bland for my taste. I have a habit of being conservative about herbs and salt, and it turns out duck doesn't really taste of a whole lot. Also, garden peas are a lot better than green pepper. Just sayin'. ****

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