Wednesday 1 June 2011

2 recipes so goddamn simple your retarded lolita fantasy wife simulator could make them.

Mode: 1-2 player
Hardware: Steamer, Pan.
Accessories: Peach Cordial

This one goes out to Harvest Moon fans, and the like.

Honey Mustard Chicken Salad

This one was so simple, I made it the other day and only took one photo, so I'm just tacking it onto this post, basically. Chicken fillet and pack of mixed vegetables (green beans, sugar snap peas and broccoli) go in the steamer for 20 mins, pack of mixed leaf salad goes in bowl, hot vegetables and chicken go on top of salad, honey mustard dressing goes on top of that.


Beef and Whatever Stir Fry.

First, rice goes in steamer for 20-30 mins.

Next we take... whatever. I gots me some beef, a crunchy vegetable mix, onion, and some pad thai noodle sauce(?) Some whatever, basically. The lesson here is that ANYTHING goes with a beef stir fry. You could do hoi sin, sweet chilli, lemon, barbecue sauce, unicorn tears, fermented cockroaches and half a cactus stuck in a blender with a pinch of rosemary. Use your imagination, or don't and just see whats in the cupboard. Probably better in the long run.

They all go in the saucepan with some cooking oil for about 5 minutes until less pink coloured and more food coloured.

Then add sauce, I also added a bit of sweet chilli and powdered ginger. Because not leaving things alone is your right and privilege as a self-proclaimed food guru, and not because I think it will make any noticeable difference.

Disclaimer: These meals were also HEALTHY! But now you've learned the recipe you can't un-learn it just to spite me without blunt head trauma because they haven't invented mind erasers yet, and if they did I'd use it to forget I ever watched terminator 3, which was about robots from the future managing to go back in time to reignite the ruination the entire franchise with tedious post-matrix sci-fi babble and excessive pandering to young adults.


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