Mode: 1-2 Player
Hardware: Pan
Accessories: Lady Grey Tea
I was going to make a nice mushroom risotto with some mushrooms that I had in the fridge but TWIST they were mouldy.
Sad mushroomy grave. |
I could eat nasty sainsbury's seafood mix EVERY DINNER. |
So I had to improvise with whatever else I had. Seafood mix, carrots and beans, half an onion, sweetcorn and of course the risotto rice.
Casually stealing Flander's sandwich materials as usual. |
Lots of soy spread, garlic and finely chopped parsley. I melt the butter over the rice before I add the water incrementally.
Not necessary if you aren't this bored. |
This is a finely chopped up vegetable stock cube. That also goes in.
Broth it like it's hot. Broth it like it's hot. |
Here I add the water and the other vegetables. You can kinda leave it for a while but keep coming back to stir and add more water when it gets soaked up.
The mug says 'PIG'. |
Now is a good time to make a cup of tea! I like lady grey tea. Did you know that bergamot tea was invented to offset the nasty taste of northern hard water? FUN FACT.
Grains before prawn. |
Once it was nearly ready, I added the pre-cooked seafood mix and frozen sweetcorn and stirred it in for a bit till it had warmed up.
Weeaboo chopsticks not necessary either. |
Post-mortem: **** I enjoy this, I enjoy risotto in general, but I also like that 'seafoody' taste that a lot of people really don't like. Some seafood dishes I make are great because they don't taste 'fishy' in that way, but this one really really does. So... uh... yknow... to each his own... different strokes.. and uh.. keep watching the skies.
I love seafood so will be trying this sometime this week :)