Friday 6 May 2022

Cooking Mama's Cooking Challenge #11: Fried Octopus Dumplings

Takoyaki time! My family is visiting who happen to have a takoyaki pan so I made them bring it. Also my phone just died so big thanks to my sister for taking these photos with her camera. and hence why I suddenly have 2 hands.

Slice up!

I wasn't able to find whole octopus, but I did happen to find some octopus carpaccio and I got some little prawns as well for filling.

Add the ingredients!

We actually had some special takoyaki batter flour mix with flavourings, but you still add water and an egg just like in the recipe so same dif.


Mixing it all up in my little spouty bowl.

Fry the dumplings!

I made a proper mess pouring in the first couple but then I got the hang of it. It barely even matters though because as you cook you flip them around and squish the cooked batter back in. Mama would have given me a silver medal but whatever you're not my real mom.


Dressed with takoyaki sauce and some of those seaweed flakes I bought earlier. If you ask me these are mostly a bit of hassle for a sphere of batter with a touch of protein. But flavour-wise I can't argue with a sphere of batter and a touch of protein in a nice tangy sauce.

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