Ingredients: Pumpkin, Wheat Flour, Milk, Sugar
Item Description: Silky pumpkin cream in a flakey crust.I've made pumpkin pie before, and I know a really easy simple recipe for it as well! Even if pumpkin wasn't out of season, I highly recommend finding a tin of "american style" pureed pumpkin, its the perfect consistency and concentration for pie filling. For the wheat flour I just bought pre-made pastry again (it was 24p!) and for the milk & sugar i've streamlined it into a can of sweetened condensed milk. Then we've got eggs, and classic pumpkin spices.
Oh noo! I accidentally broke my big pyrex when I was getting out a baking dish. :( RIP to a real one. This is the dark side of cooking blog.
Here's the pre-rolled pastry shaped into a dish. It's kinda moist from being hastily defrosted. Reminds me of sliced cheese.
Fortunately we have some other big bowls to mix in. Im not even going to use my mixer because its literally so easy to mix. Just 3 different kinds of sludge: The tinned pumpkin, the condensed milk, and 2 eggs.
And then the spices go in. its like a teaspoon of cinnamon, 1/2 tsp of ginger and nutmeg, and a pinch of salt.
Mix it up until you have THE SLUDGE. Until you have Clayface from batman.
And then its ready to go in the oven for like 40mins. ITS REALLY THAT SIMPLE

This was kind of a foregone conclusion because I already knew how to cook this AND pumpkin pie is probably my favourite pie of all time. And look how easy it is! Are you going to try making pumpkin pie now? Are you??
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