Thursday 3 March 2011

From the time machine: Pac Man Cakes.

Mode: Massive Multiplayer Office (MMO)
Hardware: Oven, Knives, Army of Minions.
Accessories: Office kitchen instant coffee/yorkshire tea

Ok so... The year was... 2009? And it's the LAW in my office of work is that one must provide cakes for the establishment upon the anniversary of one's birth. Now, I have a reputation to maintain as 'totally useful in this place of work and not an expendable junior bastard.' And hey, my family was coming over for the weekend of my birthday. So I have a free workforce. HEY MUM YOU LIKE BAKING CAKES, RIGHT?
Hint: She does

Ok I made 4 large cakes in total, they were all different flavours. Here is a link to a recipe for basic sponge cake. But instead of vanilla essence, you can basically put in anything you want to make a cake out of. In my case I made a classic victoria sponge (ok that ones vanilla), a chocolate cake, a coffee cake (made with instant coffee powder), and a strawberry (strawberry essence and red food colouring) chocolate chip cake. Because, what the hell.

Here is where it gets all crafty, some discarded pizza boxes are MAGICALLY cut up into the shape of ghosts and pacman measurements and wrapped in tin foil so that they can be used both as a template and a handy dandy cake plate. That weird pink porridge over there is some icing my sister made. And if you are really keen-eyed you might notice the huge bucket of warhammer stuff under the table. Yeah, that isn't mine.

Here is the vanilla cake, and also a batch of BLUEBERRY MUFFINS! They will be iced in melted white chocolate to become the iconic pacman 'dots'. If you want a blueberry muffin recipe, google is like, right there.

My mum cut bits off the cake to match the templates, and heres some strange mysterious hot lady whom I don't know who food dyed and rolled out some blue marzipan and carefully worked it into the corners with a knife.

You can prettymuch ice these in any way you want. Pac-man has some yellow buttercream frosting and that red one, pre-made icing from the store, I think? The eyes are made by rolling out some basic marzipan and cutting a disc of them with a cookie cutter, and then a cadbury's giant chocolate button on top of that.

And here are the lot of them in a box in the car. The orange one is made of citrus jelly. The pink one got a little er.. melty...

Here they are arrived at their destination. Phew! Still holding up well.

So yeah, me and my family made a lot of cakes that day. They basically rocked. I think theres even some sugar cookies on the side there, and a punnet of cherries.

Retro Review: Now, I really only consumed trimmings and that one big slice taken out of pac man's face before I iced him, but I think I can safely say ***** FIVE STAR. Because look at them. Damn.

Special Thanks to: Helena and Theresa, my baking gurus, and Ben H and Richard, our tea making, stuff-holding assistants.

And hey, if that was 2009, what did I do for 2010? Find out... later. This blog post took me AAAGES.

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