Tuesday 22 March 2011

From the time machine: Sushi Sweets

Mode: Massive Multiplayer Office (MMO)
Hardware: Oven, knives, talented mum.
Accessories: Green tea and sugar coma.

Well I haven't really cooked anything of note in a while. Had a lot of parties and some unexciting bacon sandwich related dinners over the weekend. SO I should probably get around to telling you the story of what I did for office cakes last birthday.
I shopped around a lot of places on a kind of candy spree of sorts. Why? Because I had this urge. An urge to try making SUSHI THEMED CANDY. Like last year, my mum was around to help me make cakes that resembled awesome cakes instead of delicious melting tumours. I don't really have so much of a step by step for this one, so I'm just going to show you everything.

Starting with the most obvious, the classic sushi nori rolls. This is a chocolate muffin topped with plain white icing and desiccated coconut. I went on a rampage trying to find some orange flavoured millions to look like roe (fish eggs), as you can see I eventually succeeded. The other toppings are some jelly beans.

These next ones are meant to resemble nigiri sushi, on a wedge of rice krispies mixed in melted white chocolate, with the ever so popular and in my opinion slightly foul marshmallow bananas and prawns to look like omelette and ACTUAL prawns. Tied up with a licorice lace to look like the strip of seaweed. I recommend not doing that because its HARD AS SHIT to get those things to adhese together. I was starting to wonder whether anyone would notice if I slipped in a staple or some superglue.

These, in my opinion, are DIABOLICALLY BRILLIANT. I'm not sure who's idea these were, mine or mums? But ramen in a cup made with these Swedish toffee flavour laces my family somehow found, orange jelly, some mini chocolate ball cake sprinkles and some chocolate covered breadsticks (like pocky) as the chopsticks.

I had originally intended to make big thick discs of angel food cake to use as the main rolled sushi, but they ended up a little flat. So I kinda started just making a spiral pattern on them and sprinkling more sweet things on them. I had some star shaped cake toppings and a load of lime flavoured sweets make a perfect vegetable-esque garnish.

Here is where it gets a little hazy.. as I attempt to use up remaining bits and pieces, I make some squishy cones out of black dyed marzipan (like those cone sushi ones) and stacking the angel cake, wrapping it with some rainbow fizzy belts and just jamming together whatever else I could find. I was SO TIRED OF MAKING STUFF at this point. You can see it sortof falling apart like my brain.

LASTLY, funny story, my brilliant super great friend gifted me this LEGO minifig cake mould. So I made use of it the most obvious way: by making a LEGO minifig cake to supplement all the cakes. It's basic vanilla sponge with some yellow food dye, and then red and blue marzipan and a bit of chocolate icing. 'EAT ME'? Oh my you sassy confection you!

Here's how it all looked together.

And here's how my dining table looked with all the loot.

Retro Review: If I gave anyone in my office diabetes, I'm sorry. But you have to admit, it was worth it. *****

Special Thanks: Helena again for her mumtastic baking skillz.

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