Thursday 18 August 2011

Fruity Chicken Curry

Mode: 2-4 Player
Hardware: Steamer, Pan.
Accessories: Cool glass of lemonade.

Ok, this time, no pre-made curry sauce. I can do this stuff if I wanted to, see? And I'm going to make an exotic and fruity flavoursome curry, even! So there T-square.

I started by steaming the white rice and some peeled potatoes, I put in a bayleef and some cardamom with the rice.

Now, I need a big ol' army of spices for this. A generous helping (about a tablespoon?) of mild curry and mango spice blend, and a small pinch of ginger, coriander, cumin, nutmeg and black pepper.

I diced some red onions as finely as I could (while wearing my 3d glasses) as well as some old raisins from my baking cupboard, and fried them all up with the spices and a beef stock cube in plenty of vegetable oil. That's right, beef stock in a chicken dish CALL THE COPS I DON'T GIVE A FUCK.

On goes some chopped up chicken and red pepper. Fry them thoroughly in the spices cause they be raw dogg.

I added a bit of water and also some ketchup, to make it more... saucy. When the potatoes were done I chopped them up and put them in, too.

Post-mortem: *** I think the sauce tasted really nice, but it wasn't nearly strong and saucy enough. I think there was too much potato and somewhat overcooked rice that it blanded out my delicious fruity paste. I'm not even sure why I decided it needed potatoes. Kinda blanking on that decision. Diced raisins and dried mango in curry though, are infact a good idea.

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