Tuesday 23 August 2011

Jamaican me some jambalaya.

Mode: 2-3 Player
Hardware: Big wok.
Accessories: Glass of water.

When I say Creole Cuisine, you might think of eating wax crayons. Shame on you. Lime green doesn't taste of anything. I learned that waaaay back. In art college.

100% pure near-expirey re-frozen sea creatures.

I'm making SEAFOOD Jambalaya, using a pre-cooked seafood mix, the leftover halves of that sweet pepper, courgette, and a carrot I found in the bottom of the fridge. Fridge-scrapings you say? Nutritious!

My stylist told me ginger wasn't in season 'till next fall.

Here's our lineup of good old fashioned auntie jambalaya's home stored traditional flavour noise. Carribean everyday seasoning, cayenne pepper, cajun, black pepper, paprika and ginger.

Pro tips on adding spices: uuuuuuuuuhhhhh... remove lid. Use.

I put vegetable and toasted sesame oil in my wok, and tossed in all the vegetables and a heavy sprinkling of each of these spices.

Oxo. Poor man's cup-a-soup.

I boiled some water and dissolved a big teaspoon of chicken stock and added some torn up basil leaves.

Yes, you may use this for your death metal album cover.

I also added in some chopped up sun dried tomatoes and garlic, and a big squirt of ketchup.

I.C.I.C.C. Food

When the vegetables were fried enough, I added the rice and stock to boil the rice in, and the frozen seafood. Look at that big block of frozen crud. Hehehe. This now has to cook for like an hour and constantly come back and stir it and add more water until the rice is all absorbed and hopefully not burned.

Just splat it on there, nobody has any expectations of you.

Post-mortem: ***** SO GOOD. Would have been awesomer with risotto rice probably, but still great. Just a hot spicey pile of goodness.

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