Monday 22 August 2011

Swedish Meatballs

 Mode: 2-3 Player
Hardware: Pans
Accessories: Kopparberg pear cider would be a perfect choice but I don't have any.

I grabbed some pre-made Swedish meatballs from Sainsbury's, because they've been taunting me for a while now. Swedish meatballs are made out of a mixture of beef and pork, or as I like to call it....


So in spite of the Swedish traditionally eating their meatballs just as meatballs, like with potatoes or something, I'm going to go ahead and make them ITALIAN STYLE with some spaghetti. In your face, cultural segregation!


To put my own smartass spin on the recipe I read off Ikea online, I'm making a sauce with milk (cause I didn't have any cream, and yes my flatmate is outta the house hence the dairy being accepted back into my life), a beef stock cube, a dash of soy sauce, and some chopped up sweet pepper and courgette. I also added some plain flour while stirring, to add thickness to it.

Captions: Y/N?

I Stirred it often to make sure the milk didn't get all gross or something, and once the pasta was starting to look cooked on the other side of the hob, I added the meatballs. They are pre-cooked, so they only needed to be heated basically.

Stir carefully, I don't want to bork this all up.

HMNNNNNGH yeah that's it. Super duper fast and easy because it's (well, was) the weekend.

If cooking is an art, I'm kind of a Jackson Pollock.

Post-mortem: **** Brilliant! Meatylicious. Maybe a little room for improvement. It's not like HOLY SHIT AMAZING, but nothing really went wrong and it makes a good unusual recipe as you don't tend to find many Scandinavian restaurants in the UK. Maybe it's because of all the shrimp flavoured cheese paste and salty licorice. Gross, you guys.

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