Tuesday 9 August 2011

Steak it or break it.

Mode: 2 player
Hardware: Pan.
Accessories: Cola.

Yeah so I'm back on the puns again.
I'm actually a little behind on my blog posts, I made this meal back on thursday, before I went off to Wenfest, our home-made music festival and fantastic way to spend a weekend.

CHEAP STEAK WOO. And some vegetables to fry and eat it with. Baby corn, mange tout, spring onion and rocket. I added some salt and pepper to the steaks before I started frying them, and chopped all the vegs except the rocket (leafy stuff) and put them in the pan too.

A less lazy person would fry the vegetables and meat seperately probably, but I'm not that person, as you might have figured out by now. I fried these in half vegetable oil and half ROASTED SESAME OIL, by the way. I bought some and it really makes a big difference. Heck, its practically a stirfry sauce on its own. And then when it was looking fully cooked I served with some rocket leaves with a drizzle of salad dressing, and some ketchup and yeah... no, that's basically it.

Post-mortem: **** Job done. Plain yet delicious.

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