Mode: Party Game!
Hardware: Cupcake Maker and a load of bowls.
Accessories: Undisclosed volumes of southern comfort and lemonade.
So on Saturday, I had the TTF COMPANY BBQ to attend, and I was bringing a dessert. An opportunity to experiment, and the test subjects: people I rely on to make a living.
So I began by making a basic cupcake batter. I'm not even sure I have any weighing scales anymore, so I just went by approximate cups. 1 cup of self raising flour, 1 cup of fine white sugar, 100g or so of butter, 2 eggs. (Generally the first 3 are equal parts, I guess) And also some vanilla essence. About 1 teaspoon.
Next, I separated the cake mix into SIX different bowls, and dye them each a different colour. At this point, I was like... man, what am I doing? This isn't going to be worth all this effort. This might be a bad idea.
I messily spooned a tiny splodge of each colour into a cupcake case, I held it in a little tray while I was doing this, but then I actually baked it in that funny cupcake maker (it's like a waffle iron or sandwich toaster but for cupcakes)
Holy shit it worked! As you can see, the batter managed to stay nicely separate so you don't just get brown cupcakes. RRRRRRRRAINBOWS.
Now, like a numpty, when I decorated these later with my flatmate/assistant whom I shall codename GREEN LEPRECHAUN, I forgot to take pictures. This was foolish. But hey, you saw the rainbow cupcakes.
Post-Mortem: ??? I didn't actually try one. But they look snazzy.