Thursday 6 June 2024

Stardew Valley #69: Fish Stew

Ingredients: Crayfish, Mussel, Periwinkle, Tomato

Item Description: It smells a lot like the sea. Tastes better, though.

OK due to a past incident, I am no longer buying jars of "winkles" so im forging my own path in a meat department. We've got mussels (shelled and cooked), small prawns (basically the same as crayfish meat) and whats a fish stew without FISH? hello? I've got some generic whitefish fillets. And theres some other stuff too, ill explain on the way.

We can start with frying up some onion and garlic till it smells good. Good base for anything really.

Now i've got a little bit of potato chunks to fill out the stew a bit, and some dried seaweed I snipped into little squares for more... sea-flavour.

Immediately more stuff goes in, we've got the prawns, the mussels, fillets of white fish, and a vegetable stock cube to give us a well rounded soup base. No time to fry, we're ready to pour the hot water right in.

Now im going to boil it until the fish starts looking cooked. all the other seafood is pre-cooked so we dont gotta worry.

Alright so here's the weird thing... the recipe's 1 main vegetable they mention is tomato. But.... the graphic for the stew is kind of a greenish-grey colour? That's not going to happen if you use normal red tomatoes. But... green tomatoes arent really a thing you tend to find in shops around here. But what I CAN find, is some tomatillo based salsa, a green tomato-like plant (more closely related to the physallis but close enough that its colloquially called a tomato). 

So yeah we are chucking in a salsa dip, as well as some white wine and some mysterious herbs from my freezer that i think are either coriander or parsley. 

Alright now we just let all that cook until the potatoes are tender... so like a million years.


It's tart, its seafoody (inevitable when it comes to mussels) and its got a very pleasant and surprisingly potent spicyness from the salsa! I like this. I think Willy would like this. Sure it "tastes better than the sea", but it tastes like how it smells... a fish stew full of mussels.

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