Thursday 13 June 2024

Stardew Valley #72: Maple Bar

Ingredients: Maple Syrup, Sugar, Wheat Flour

Item Description: It's a sweet doughnut topped with a rich maple glaze.

Alright well step zero: try not to accidentally rip through the bag with your thumb when picking it up and have to pour all your flour into 2 jars

OK so i've never made doughnuts before, grabbed a recipe and i'll try to follow it somewhat sensibly. We'll need flour, sugar, butter, milk, eggs, yeast, maple syrup, and maybe some other stuff i dunno.

First we warm up the milk, we want it about body temperature I think, so not hot.

Then we add a bit of the sugar and a sachet of yeast, mix it up a bit and leave it for a few minutes to ACTIVATE(?) this one says fast action thought so maybe its not necessary.

Then we add the butter, the rest of the sugar, eggs... but wait we're not done yet...

then 2 cups of flour, and a bit of flavour enhancement! The recipe recommended a bit of vanilla essence and nutmeg.

whisked it up and its got the consistency of cake batter... thats becausssse....

we gotta mix in 2 more cups of flour!

Alright now we have a big ol' dough ball, the recipe says to oil it up a bit to prevent sticking... not sure if thats necessary but i might as well. Now we need to leave it for about 2 hours and hope the yeast works! (It should do i just bought a new pack)

hell yah thats risen some, heck what am i gonna do with all this donut? It's just me on my own here.....

Attempting to shape these into some sort of... bar? cylinder? i hate trying to shape dough!!! its made of elastic!

Now for the fun part... these cook fast!! but im also scared to undercook them.... im still thinking about the bread incident.

These came out quite dark, and all sorts of funny shapes... they smell good though.

Now for a very important part: the frosting! I want a dark coloured glaze so im mixing in melted butter, a heaped tablespoon of dark brown sugar and about 3 tablespoons of the star ingredient: the maple syrup! But thats gonna make it very wet, so we're also adding half a cup of icing sugar as well.

remembering that my kitchen mixer can pop off its stand and become a hand whisk! thats what we need for this. Now we can just dip the bars in and we're done!


Oh they're so sweet, so maple-y, so buttery, so filling! I think i did a good job, they have a proper doughnutty texture and smell amazing. They're a lot of work, but one is practically a meal, and theyll probably go stale in half a week, so...


(epilogue: a friend came over to drop some stuff off so I gave them half HAHA GET SNACKED IDIOT)

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