Tuesday 11 June 2024

Stardew Valley #71: Lobster Bisque

Ingredients: Lobster, Milk

Item Description: This delicate soup is a secret family recipe of Willy's.

Behold! A frozen lobster I bought on discount ages ago, in anticipation for an inevitable lobster recipe, before we even picked the next game challenge. Its the oldest thing in my freezer... but apparently still in date.

Now that i've got it out and checked the packaging, it says I should have started defrosting this 12 hours ago. Oh well. Nothing a hot bath can't solve.

Meanwhile I've chopped up some carrot, celery, onion and garlic, small enough to go in the vegetable dicer.

Now we've got ourselves soffritto!

He is free!! Now, annoyingly, I am a little paranoid about using a bunch of industrial ice glaze for the soup base, so what I'm going to do is tip out the water, add some fresh water and some salt, start dismantling encino man over here, and boil up the shell to make proper stock.

It doesn't look like a lot of meat when i put it like this, but hopefully a bit more will dissolve off the shell in the next phase. Also, it came pre-cooked so I dont wanna boil all this meat till its rubbery.

Shells, salted water, and some vegetable stock cubes to punch it up. Once it's had a while to boil some flavour into the water, I'm gonna tip it out into a heatproof bowl and reuse this big pot for the next phase!

We brown up the soffritto in a little cooking oil.

And while that's cooking, I remove the boiled shell from the stock. Luckily I kept them all fairly chunky and threw out any smaller pieces, so I could just fish them out with a spoon. 

Now that it's looking all tender, we actually need to get it smaller! This would be the ideal job for a heat proof hand blender, but I don't need that.

Listen, is a woman not entitled to blend blazing hot vegetables in her own blender in her own home?  Well I am, but you're not. Pretend its lukewarm ok?

Once that's done, we can finally CAREFULLY tip all that stock back into the pan and combine with the blended vegetable soup. Two soups! very little spilled! 

While thats getting back to heat, I have one last crack at extracting bits of meat from the boiled shells and chop up the tail meat into bite sized, soup-friendly chunks.

And the rest! I'm adding half a cup of cream, a couple tablespoons of tomato puree, a dash of black pepper and chilli flakes, and uhh some amount of white wine, i just kinda winged it. A splash? A splash.


I was skeptical at first, it didnt seem to be giving off much mouth-watering aroma compared to the tom kha or chowder... But actually, it's good! Like the description suggests, its kind of a delicate flavour. The lobster chunks at the bottom are nice and meaty. It's salty, creamy, meaty and vegetably. Would pair great with some strongly flavoured dipping bread or crackers I think. I probably wouldn't buy a whole lobster for it again though, you could just buy some crayfish and seafood stock?

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